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Get To Know… Michele Thibeaux (Part 1 of 5)

By September 27, 2009Interviews, Music, News

Get To Know Michele Thibeaux from Ethos Music Group on Vimeo.

Music Playing: The Legendary KO feat. Michele Thibeaux –


Additional instrumentation by Denis Cisneros of Neon Collars


It feels like I’ve known Michele Thibeaux forever. Maybe it’s because I already knew her before I even met her. (The circumstances around that involve another story for another time, with Michele’s permission.) In fact, almost everyone who has the pleasure of meeting Michele have already known about her.

Ironically, though I’ve known Michele for the better part of 15 years, I’m always surprised by the duality of her being. She’s a songstress with a style and presence that command attention – but she’s the sweetest, kindest person you’ll ever come across. She’s a soul singer with the sensibilities of an MC. Imagine Amel Lerrieux in an Adidas tracksuit. That’s Michele Thibeaux.

I always have a tough time “interviewing” people that I already know well. So when we sat down recently to talk about 1) Her being a southern transplant from the west coast; 2) What it’s like being a champion of the open mic circuit; and 3)What the near future holds, we spent an inordinate time discussing our affinity for Adidas sneakers and the pleasures of home-cooked food. That’s Michele Thibeaux.

In honor of her upcoming performance at the inaugural edition of “The Standard” on Oct. 2nd, we’re going to spend an entire week her. Today she gives us some insight on how she arrived here, the importance of experiencing the “open mic”, quick overview of her new project.



Founding member of K-OTIX / The Legendary KO. Unheralded jack of all trades. Spends most of his time these days creating moving pictures and writing some of the best material he's ever written. Likes dogs. Cats - meh.


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