In his Acting, Directing, Scoring, & Editing debut, I give you my n*gga, IkeMoses as BarTek in “Yo, PInfinite”.
Apparently people think this needs context. Here’s your context!
ThatBoy Bigweed “Any nigga that talks about choppin’ bitches up got my respect”
Ike Moses
produced by That Boy Bigweed (Hustle Skwad)
produced by That Boy Bigweed (Hustle Skwad)
WTF? I log off and miss all this? LOL you took it there! im *dying*
the instrumental is sick…
Damn That Boy Bigweed is siiiiiiiiiiiiick!!!
sux I can’t even see the video until I leave the plantation, tho….
Watch how he steps back from the camera right after he says “why do you mothefuking playa hate on me”, to get in his “You know we chop up these bitches” swagger! Hilliarious.
Choppin up these bitches all over Lonnie’s Enchanted Garden. Damn this week been awwf the piece-n-chayne.
I’m family.
Big no homo.
This is why I cannot leave OKP
I love the video..LOVE IT!! but, I would love it more if someone told me what the inside joke was? I heard there was one and its warping my mind!!
Gotta include the Questlove re-enactment vid too.