Get To Know… AwkQuarius from Ethos Music Group on Vimeo.
I gave Pikahsso (of AwkQuarius) a call last night because, while trying to gather links for this entry, I noticed that I could no longer find the “Fat Albert In The Hood” links on the group’s Youtube page. Pik explained that the site disabled Episode 8 because some of the content (which was not disclosed) was not allowed, and put them on “probation” for 6 months. This is probably the best thing that could have happened to them.
See, the internet has a funny way of awarding people through adversity. The more controversial something becomes, the more it seems to benefit the creators. More on “Fat Albert” in a minute…
We first met Tahiti and Pikahsso a few years back when we were performing in Dallas, TX. Tahiti was also featured on the bill, and if memory serves me correctly, he brought out Pik for a couple of songs as well. At the time, Tahiti was promoting his “Birth of Whack”, and presented a unique stage show that we hadn’t seen before. He had a DVD player linked to two 20″ TVs on stage, and ran his show from the DVD. He had it timed so that he was reacting to what was being shown on the screens. This was well before any big-budget artist was doing it.
Our first impression of Tahiti was that he was pretty quirky, but this quirkiness was oddly entertaining. Fascintaing, in fact. Later on he brought out Pikahsso, and the energy that he brought to the show was unmatched by most performers that i’ve ever seen. I actually got tired from watching them perform.
In recent years, they’ve been at the forefront of the multimedia revoulution, blending video with audio and creating some of the best satirical material out there. Most notably, their recent success with “Fat Albert In The Hood” verifies their creative genius. Youtube may have tried to shut them down, but as we all know, it’ll only bring more people to them. Here are 7 of the 8 episodes. Get ’em while you can. And Episode 9 is coming any day now.
AwkQuarius Let’s Hit The Town [Youtube Link]
AwkQuarius Let’s Hit The Town [ Link]
AwkQuarius Contact Info
To Watch Pikahsso’s Wierdo WawDuh video snippiks click below and and enjoy the show The Amercian Wierdo Pixtape Kuming Sune
dope set at SXSW. looking forward to hearing more from these cats
Funny Funny Funny!!!
hahahahaha!!! dudes are mad funny.
SXSW Harlem Globe Trotters flow was Hot. And we get to learn the background of u 2 Weirdo’s!!
these guys are artistic and creative geniuses. can’t bleev fat albert in the hood spells faith for that matter… wow
Man, I really look up to these cats. They know how to throw it down. Much luv & respect…
Man! That is funny as hell! That Snuggle commercial takes that damn cake! LOL