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Ya man TaRaach is dusting off his cape and stepping back out on the scene, with a lowkey roll-out of his LOVETURL brand – “An Echelon Art Enterprise.”

Raach and his Detroit compadre, Big Tone, have been going 1 for 1, with each of their respective brand’s dropping a new release of some sort every other week. TURL’s latest contribution is an introduction to a new, cross-genre super-group, LLgL TNdR, via a first single that doesn’t sound much like any of the rest of the group’s work, and features no members of TNdR anywhere on the record.

No joke.

Name Your Price or download “Can’t Control Myself” for free through LOVETURL’s Bandcamp page.

All instruments were played by Collin Shakespeare, except for the drums, which were provided by a man named Greg.

Artwork by Infamous Jean Claude.


Kenny most likely wrote this post while daydreaming of ice cream.


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