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From New Zealand: P-Money ft. David Dallas “Love Alone Remix”

By February 1, 2010Music

I like to keep my ear to the streets, even if those streets are all the way in New Zealand.  As you probably already know, I met David Dallas at SXSW last year, and he’s had a tremendous year since. He had a pretty impressive run on NZ’s iTunes charts , and was one of the most successful hip hop artists out there in 2009. Now he’s teaming up with one of the most successful producers down under, P-Money. This is probably a little more dancey than you’re used to hearing from Dave, but I still think it’s solid. I’m not a journalist, so I can get away with being biased…



Founding member of K-OTIX / The Legendary KO. Unheralded jack of all trades. Spends most of his time these days creating moving pictures and writing some of the best material he's ever written. Likes dogs. Cats - meh.


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