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Braille & Symbolyc One “Frankenstein”

By October 30, 2008Music, Premiere

Happy Halloween!

produced by Symbolyc One

Braille and S1 collaborate and bring a new single titled “Frankenstein” just in time for Halloween.

Earlier this year we caught a glimpse of Braille and S1’s chemistry together when they made the song “Blessed Man” on Braille’s forth solo record “The IV Edition”. The song quickly became a fan favorite and the idea of a collaborative album has been floating in the air ever since.

“We didn’t want to rush into it because I was busy touring all summer and S1 was finishing up his own solo record (The Music Box) but this is something we’ve been talking about all year.” Says Braille. “Once I got home from tour, S1 sent me some tracks and we started moving full speed ahead.”

“Frankenstein” was the first song they finished and although the song wasn’t made specifically for Halloween, the timing for leaking it to the public couldn’t have been better.

Braille and S1 both have strong solo careers, as well as being members of two already established groups “Lightheaded” and “Strange Fruit Project”. They approached this new album “Cloud Nineteen” together with the intention of bringing out new elements of their styles. Braille added – “We haven’t been trying to make an album full of songs that sound like “Blessed Man”. You can’t FORCE songs like that. S1 is one of my favorite producers because his beats speak to me. We approached this record with a clean slate and just allowed the creativity and inspiration to flow. There is some really powerful material on this album and I can’t wait to share it with people”

No release date or track-list has been given yet. For the time being, enjoy your free download of “Frankenstein” and share it on your radio shows, blogs and other promotional outlets. Thanks for the support.


Founder of Rappers I Know and Art Director to the Stars...of the Underground. Follow him on Twitter @fwmj.


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