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By September 21, 2008Misc, News, Real Life

I’m in Texas for the next week or so visiting family and friends from junior high, high school and college. Updates will be sparse I hope (because I’m having that much fun and eating real mexican food), but if I have some open time and music available I’ll post. Gonna try to catch at Austin City Limits as well.

They lost my bag on the way here from LGA which sucks as my external harddrive with my LIFE on it is in there (
the very same one that crashed and I had restored) as well as my favourite pair of kicks this month. , a bunch of my favourite t-shirts, and my favourite pair of camou shorts that I’ve had since like, my sophomore year of college when I used to mow lawns for extra money. Ha!

Womp Womp, all after being charged an extra $15 to stow my luggage away, they can’t even deliver it where it needs to be.

Northwest Airlines is terrible.


Founder of Rappers I Know and Art Director to the Stars...of the Underground. Follow him on Twitter @fwmj.

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