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Jay Electronica “Prelude to a Freestyle” Video and Song w/ Lyrics

By March 15, 2011Music, Premiere, Preview, RIK.TV


  • Dj Dawodu says:


  • DogonSociety says:


  • Tee Max says:

    he is so necessary, it hurts!

  • Overtheyheads says:

    No1 will ever spit like this ever again. Enjoy it. The End.

  • Dart_Adams says:

    That just happened…


  • Wraithe says:

    Jay needs to step his pen game up. Not only that but his delivery is slow and boring. The last few offerings he has made are suspect. I cant believe people are falling for this crap. I feel like he is playing with our intelligence.

    All that mumbo jumbo might work on some of the simple minded folks out there but not me.

    What black Gods??? Mankind whether black, brown or white has never been God, or Gods in the flesh, this is some nonsense that is purported by the freemasonic philosophies. Absolute garbage.

    This dude is a gumbo rapper and not because hes from New Orleans either. But because he picks and chooses to drop hints of information about various schools of thought as if to seem so intelligently illuminating but yet he doesnt have a solid ground to stand on, because he doesn’t pick a side. So hes on the fence so to speak, and poorly misguided in the process. Only the grossly ignorant and some of the snobbishly intellectual, black bourgeois would applaud such misinformation.

    From the Nation of Islam to 5%ers, to Moorish Sciences, to some pathetic dogon society? Whats next?


    I see what many dont due to an insight that only Allah SWT gives, and not from some long winded rapper who happens to enjoy summoning up the jinn in order to gain access to that which is considered esoteric.

    Just because you sound deep or intelligent doesn’t mean that you are. If you had any semblance of intelligence then you wouldn’t have gone over to Roc Nation.

    These rappers will damn near do whatever in order to acquire power, wealth and fame. Jay Electronica is no exception.

    We live in an age of awesome deception.

    And there are many other unsigned emcees who would eat this dude for a snack . . . including my man Dology.

    FOH with that insult to hip hop.

  • 50cent says:

    “Just because you sound deep or intelligent doesn’t mean that you are.” The same can be said in aspects of your own over analysis. Just respect Jay because hes doing things his own way and to be honest that refreshing.

    In any music, your intitled to your own opinion and i can respect that. But to say Jay is dropping hints of information to appear as if hes intelligently informing is RIDIC. Musicians have been doing that forever, it sparks interest, it encourages listeners to… listen. learn a little.

    The mans sick, hes making people think, and his music is dope.
    Your just mad.


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