Denis (Guitar, Neon Collars) sent me some joints over the last few weeks. For whatever lack of sound judgement I’m just now really “hearing” them and they are jammin’. I had to share. What up Neon Collars! Y’all the greatest! Denis! you a menace!
Denis Cisneros
VmPDenis Cisneros
VmPBayuco Social
with Denis Cisneros on Guitar, Alan Garcia on Bass, Abel Cisneros on DrumsVmP
Nice…This dude amazes me with the range of sounds that he makes with his guitar.
“Humanimal” is super loose WOW!!!
Neon Collars was my favorite album of 2009. It stayed in heavy rotation for MONTHS.
denis can wreck but the girl who sang for neon tried WAYYY too hard…she had range but didnt know how to use it. it was like watching an extremely good guitar hero player…it takes skill but really who cares cuz you cant listen to them anyways. thats what i felt like when i heard her sing.
I love it when my brutha is allowed 2 use the guitar & his music as an xtension of his creative soul. Do it, Denis. This is totally U. U never cease 2 amaze me.