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?uesto Announces His NYC Party with DJ Cassidy – Rock Freak

By February 15, 2011April 14th, 2015Music, Real Life

Brotherman Question axed me to post this:

cass and i have been discussing the fact that manhattan parties used to be so incredible in the late 90s
and there was a time period in which dj’s were tastemakers and not slaves to just radio hits. we are trying to
celebrate the history of QUALITY dance music. and discover new dance music that deserves a shot as well.
both cassidy and i have not had a regular manhattan party in over 10 years (actually i haven’t had a manhattan party exclusively ever, but yet i find myself playing somewhere in this town night after night) so we are extremely excited to bring our forces together to the hudson hotel’s GOOD UNITS. after i did the Giant Step party at Good Units i was instantly a believer that i found a sound system worthy of a place i could call home.

which is pretty much what i can say will be the CLEAR cut difference between ROCK/FREAK’s party and everyone else’s party.

our sound system will be bar none the most bangingest sound system in new york city.

you’ve heard songs before in clubs but you have NOT heard them in this manner.

we took PAINSTAKING measures to make sure we have the perfect system that will force you wallflowers to dance whether you like it or NADA!.

no cover.
no bs.
just rsvp.
and dance.
no hangups

yall complain about the lack of quality in prime nightspots. we are now here to bring a change and remedy that.

songs you LIKE played LOUD.

do you want more?



Founder of Rappers I Know and Art Director to the Stars...of the Underground. Follow him on Twitter @fwmj.

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