produced by RemotVmP
Download the song, acapella and instrumental here.
DutchMassive “The Love – 2010”
produced by Remot
Download the song, acapella and instrumental here.
RIK Label Manager. Beat Fanatic. Music Hoarder. Twitter: @SlopFunkDust
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Damn, you pulled out A Picture from maaaaaaaaad long ago?!?!?! hahaha how the hell you even get that?….
Should have just used the Cover Created for the Track, but whatever works……That Crap at the end of the song has gotten me into may too many debates about how Lupe Fiasco should have handled that whole BET Tribute ish better….point is, he Did not!. I Still listen to his tracks, well….ones I enjoy at least, but he still gets the GASFACE for acting like going back and listening to midnight marauders is a waste of time…..
I listened to Spice one, U.G.K. All that ish to back in the 90’s but there is no way possible you were un-aware Of A Tribe Called Quest unless you were just not paying attention to music, or hiphop back then….at least not passionately ya know?…..Maybe he was more into Karate or playing sports, but he hella ran with the Native Tongue Vibe in the beginning of his career………ahhhhh let me just stop now….
Kick Push your way into not releasing a wack mixtape……