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Leaks from Concise Kilgore’s – Indecent Proposal

By January 23, 2010Music, Premiere, Preview, View All

As we prepare for my wife’s new album Soldier of Love to drop the Tuesday after my birthday in February, you can snap your neck to these joints from Concise Kilgore’s Indecent Proposal—Concise Kil goin in over all Sade samples. Now, me being her Husband and all, I was initially tight at the idea. In my world, NO rappers need to be soiling my wife’s epic, forlorn tales heartbreak and wanderlust in the badlands of relationships-gone-awry (until she met me and I locked that down, of course), but the beats are actually not wack and done tastefully—eff dat, the beats rock, entirely produced by briskOner, who I will have to keep an eye on. 15 joints on the full project.

Editor’s Note: I cannot cosign the sentiments in “Pull Spray Freestyle”, Kil’s take on Lupe Fiasco’s “Kick, Push” but hahaha did it make me laugh

Concise Kilgore

produced by briskOner

Concise Kilgore

produced by briskOner


Founder of Rappers I Know and Art Director to the Stars...of the Underground. Follow him on Twitter @fwmj.


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